Tales from the Backroom

“Every record store has that one backroom… that one corner or nook where one stumbles upon stacks of the forgotten and unknown. Where lost liner notes dance amongst obscure gems with torn jackets. Obscure gems…the ones you now realize weren’t a figment of your imagination, they were just…left of the dial.”

‘Ello my freaky darlings. I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve dropped into the backroom. I promise to try not to stay away for long again, but damn these drugs are so good! I mean… let’s get started shall we? 😉

Fans and their fan clubs. Yes, fan clubs remember those? Now, in literary history is where we see fandom first.

About 1792 in European countries, and 1842 in the US is when thousands flocked to New York City for a chance to meet the one and only, Charles Dickens. It was around this very same time that Americans were gathering their first rounds of music fans for what was then known as ” Urban music”. Trust me, it was in no way what it is today folks. Ha!

It was P.T. Barnum who truly sold us the art of not only a concert tour, but a fan club as well, when he marketed Jenny Lind’s tour of the US in 1850. He managed to fill the streets with people just to see and touch Lind. He also continually and effectively fed his audiences’ interest with widespread merchandising of Jenny Lind branded boots, lamps, soaps and hats. Thus giving birth to the concept that would continue to be built on, throughout the years to come.

Now we have all heard of names for these super fan groups. You have your Deadheads, Swifties, Monsters, Kiss Army, Juggalos, the MCRmy ( yours truly is a member) Devotees ( again, it’s ya girl! Lol) Beyhive, Katycats the list goes on. However, there has always been one in particular that has stood out from the rest.

They are called Duranies and they are MASSIVE fans of Duran Duran.

What’s that you say? You didn’t even know those guys were still around? Yes, yes they are. They are still very active putting out new music and touring. Yeah… I saw you reading this with your Judgey McJudgerson eyes. HA!

Duranies are a different of breed of fan. Seriously. They are hardcore card carrying members and if you tell someone you’re a card carrying Duranie, that actually means something within their community and you damn sure better be able to back it up! Now there are some of us that have done some crazy things to see our favorite groups or maybe have a cool piece of memorabilia but most Duranies will put you to shame on both accounts. Like I actually used to have a friend who has a Duran Duran condom and obtained a Brazilian porn magazine just because Warren was in it. Seriously, its true. You’ll hear from him later. Duranies are also an amazing group of people who will and have come together for the sake of other fans in times of great loss, sickness, grief and pain. I’ve witnessed this and most recently just heard a story about one of those times that brought me to tears.

Duranies also have something else no other fan group has. His name is Andrew “Durandy” Golub and he is, for all intents and purposes, Duran Duran’s #1 super fan. (But don’t call him that, he will argue that fact with you) He runs what has become the largest Duran Duran archive in the US, and what may also be one of, if not the world’s largest as well. The best part, most of the items in this collection are his! Now as his popularity amongst the community has grown, other fans have donated to his archive but for the most part, a good 98% of this is Andy’s blood, sweat and tears for over 30 years. His collection is so vast that he has loaned some of it out to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Which is ironic seeing as how those bastards still haven’t gotten around to actually induced the damn band!) and Duran Duran themselves haven’t even seen some of the items he has before! Insane right? The band considers him their unofficial official archivist.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Andy and catch up with him and talk very candidly about a side of his Duranie world he never really sheds much light on.
We also discussed something he’s been quietly keeping under wraps now for awhile, to which even I myself had known for a few months, but have been sworn to secrecy on. Unfortunately due to issues beyond our control we have to again delay that reveal. It is also why I have delayed the release of this piece for so long as well. However once we get the all systems go, I’ll be able to drop the exclusive on it for you all.

However for now, let’s dive into this Duranie mania shall we?

As you can imagine, its never very difficult finding someone to talk about their favorite band. Hell, I’m a fan of them as well, and would have no problem. Especially if that someone is a Duranie. They are most eager to tell you everything and anything. From songs, albums, favorite member, T.V. appearance, magazine clippings, I could go on for another 20 things easy. With that being said, I knew when I put the Bat signal out calling all Duranies I would have my hands full. So I had to narrow it down to key point questions that I knew could best tell the story of a Duranie. Yes, I ask the hard hitting questions folks. That’s what I serve up here. I’m the Tucker Carlson of mediocre music blogs. ( much as he is mediocre at best to being a reporter) HA! Calm down, it’s jokes.. ok back on track people!

So I composed a list of 5 questions to send out into the Duranie community. The who, what, where, whens and whys of Duranies if you will. Where did it all start? The most extreme thing you’ve ever done to see the band? Your most prized piece of memorabilia? If there’s a dark underbelly of the Duranie community because hey, let’s face it… we all like a little page 6 or Daily Mirror dish now and again and ever community has got a little dirt. Finally, what does being a Duranie mean to you?

As usual, Duranies did not fail me.


Mary Beth Stephens- “The first DD song I heard was Planet Earth. It was on a mix tape my cousin in Liverpool sent to me. Mixed in with Level 42, Joan Armatrading and many other glorious songs I’d never heard here in the States, was this force of a song. There was no way I could sit still while this song was playing, it literally moved me! For some reason, I seem to remember seeing the video for Is There Something I Should Know before any of the Rio videos. We didn’t have cable in my little town, so maybe I was just late to the party. The visuals of that video just really struck me, the geometric shapes, their tucked in ties! I felt like I’d found the group of kids in school that liked the same weird stuff I did.”

Chris Krummenacher- “Girls On Film. I heard it and saw it on Night Flight…we all know it’s “that” video. Did that video appeal to the prurient interests of a 14-year old boy? You bet! But they made it an experience and the thing that hooked me was the long intro…and it’s why the “Night Mix”, the one without the autowinder on the camera is my favorite version of the song. They were the first band that weaved synthesizers and a funky, propulsive rhythm section in a way I just couldn’t get out of my head.”

Brian Castro- “I lived on Long Island and listened to a lot of Z100. That station was my precursor to moving left of the dial to become addicted to 92.7 WLIR, but alas I first heard Duran Duran on Z100 when I sat in the backseat of our Buick station wagon on one of our weekend visits to New Jersey to visit cousins. If memory serves me well, the unmistakable drum roll of “Hungry Like the Wolf” made me put down my comic book long enough to say, “that sounds so COOL!” Lo and behold, upon reaching my cousins, discovered they were also into this band Duran Duran! That weekend, we went to the mall and I bought some DD buttons and the 45 for HLTW. I snagged any magazines that featured them. Of course I gingerly cut their pics out to hang on my wall. While they didn’t like the collages that became my bedroom walls, my parents still enabled me by getting the Rio LP as well as the 1983 rerelease of their debut. This was the beginning of my obsession. Here we are approaching forty years and they are still my absolute favorite band.”

Katherine Fendley- “Careless Memories. I had heard Planet Earth and GOF which started to gain my interest, music and videos. Careless Memories was unlike anything I had heard at that time, fast tempo, aggressive lyrics, and you can hear and feel the hurt feelings. Romantic new wave with a punk edge. Plus they were all extremely good looking, and puberty was just beginning.”


Molly Miskelly- “When JT’s book came out in 2012 he was doing various book signings but nowhere near me in Detroit.
I am absolutely terrified to fly and have only done it a handful of times but I had no intention of missing this. So, of course, I hopped on a plane and flew to New York City for the signing. I was literally in the city for about 12 hours because I had to come right back for my 20th High School Reunion. John was also doing a reading later that evening which I did not have tickets for but went to the venue anyway. I met a girl in line who was touched by my “girl comes to city by herself” story and actually gave me a ticket! I got to speak to John at the book reading. More than just a quick hello but an actual back and forth conversation. Best day ever!”

Chrissie Anderson Peters- ( This was an assignment done for a class of hers recently that ABSOLUTELY did happen.)
How To Meet Your Favorite Band
1. Score tickets to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, where your favorite band will be premiering a filmed adaptation of one of their concerts. You must be lucky enough to do this during a 10-minute window when the MoMA computer system accidentally releases tickets three days early so you can make travel arrangements before the day of the premiere.
2. Drive from your home in Bristol, Tennessee, to Union Station in Washington, DC. But you must get stuck in traffic for two hours on I-81, so you miss your bus and have to wait on standby for the last bus out to NYC late that night, standing in the cold November air without a coat, because you don’t wear coats, and don’t own one, and there are only three extra seats on the bus – and it’s first-come as to who gets them. Know that you’re certifiable for doing so when a homeless man vying for one of the seats looks you straight in the eye and says, “Screw this! It’s too cold to wait outside!”
3. Get one of the remaining available seats. Spend a restless night riding to NYC, arriving just as the sun rises over the city. Meditate on how to try to get into the VIP Reception to meet the band. With no real plan, just tons of positive energy, get off at the bus stop, catch a cab to the MoMA, and hit the pavement with your suitcase rolling along behind you, getting the lay of the area surrounding the screening and the restaurant where the reception will be.
4. Check into the apartment around 10: 30 a.m., where you will be staying with two friends. Only one will have arrived, the one from D.C. The one from Philadelphia will still be en route, via Amtrak. Unpack, shower, change clothes, and then hit the city with your friend, looking for ways to score tickets to the VIP Reception, for the three of you.
5. Introduce yourself to everyone you meet at the MoMA, from janitors and doormen, to security, to concierge staff, to the box office staff. You want everyone to remember you, just in case someone comes up with a way for you and your friends to get into the VIP Reception across the street later.
6. Return to the apartment once your other friend texts that she’s arrived. Catch up. Prepare for dinner. Take a cab to dinner at the restaurant where the VIP reception is to take place, just in case you can find a way in or catch a glimpse of the band members going in.
7. Go back to the MoMA ahead of your friends to stand in line for good seats. Later learn that they were admitted to the VIP Reception and didn’t even call to tell you to come back over.
8. When your friend Matt, who lives in NYC, calls to ask you to meet him in the Lobby to chat for a few minutes before the screenings begin, do so with a heavy heart, because you missed your chance to meet the band.
9. Feel like you make up for it a little when you inadvertently meet Debbie Harry of Blondie while she’s standing at the concierge desk, talking with your new friend, Maria.
10. While talking to Matt, realize that something momentous is about to happen when you see someone with a camera head over to the side of the Lobby opposite where you’re sitting. Try not to scream aloud when the band and their families exit the elevator in plain sight. The Lobby is nearly empty, as the first showing has started and the second is about to.
11. Approach the security guards, Ted and Larry, and ask if it’s okay if you stand there on the back row of the paparazzi and watch. As your Mama would say, “forget your place,” and drift to the front row, taking pictures using your cellphone, while standing beside professionals using tripods.
12. After the press party, approach each individual band member for his autograph in a biography about the band written by Neil Gaiman in 1984, his first-ever book. And get an individual selfie with each member, as well.
13. Make your friends downstairs a little jealous that you had one-on-one time with the band, while theirs was an impersonal hurry-through-line experience. That’s how you meet your favorite band, Duran Duran – with a whole lot of luck.


Julie Finey Clark- “I have a friend who’s totally into Death Metal, but was given the task to clean out his grandmother’s rental unit, and the guy that was evicted had left behind 2 milk crates full of records. One of those milkcrates had nothing but Duran Duran stuff in it… and I am talking about imports and shit I’d never seen before or heard of. This friend just gave me these 2 crates of records because he knew I’d probably know what the hell some of this stuff was or what to do with it. We are talking PRISTINE condition vinyl, and suddenly, all of this was mine and for free! I couldn’t fucking believe it. So… within those crates, I would have to say that my most prized possession is probably the “Girls On Film (Night Version)” 12inch single or the “Careless Memories” one. Those weren’t even the rarest finds in these crates, but definitely my most cherished. This crate also contained the “Carnival” EP (the European as well as the Japanese one); and I still have both of these. I got a nice bonus gift in these crates, too… a “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” tour book.”

Molly Miskelly- “My 45, 12” and album vinyl collection. I guess because it’s the first thing I consciously starting collecting.”

Mary Beth Stephens- “My most prized possession in my collection are the 12” dance remixes I bought when I visited family in England in 1985. I now have the “Night Versions” CD box set, but those 12′ vinyls, with those artfully designed sleeves, are still so cool to me.”
Chrissie Anderson Peters, “A tie between the book that John was reading from onstage in Edinburgh that night — which he gave me because my birthday was the following week and I told him that he was, in essence, my birthday gift AND my copy of the Duran Duran biography written by Neil Gaiman (Gaiman’s first-ever book), that is signed by Neil and the four current band members — John signed it in Edinburgh; the other three signed it the night I met the band in November 2013.”

Brian Castro- “All of it. Anything I’ve gotten signed by them: Medazzaland CD cover, Pop Trash promo poster, Astronaut CD cover where they pose a la Roxy Music with the guitars, the tour book with the lenticular cover that I got when I flew up to Chicago, my Sing Blue Silver DVD. I’ve gotten over 100+ Duran vinyl, several of their scrapbooks, two dozen tee shirts, a DD watch from Japan and of course, the DD condom (which would probably disintegrate if I tried using it today). As I stare at the Funko Pops my kiddies got me for Christmas (still in box) and see the three posters still hanging in my room, l am reminded my “obsessive fascination” is definitely not in my imagination.” He also went on to say, “I was the first guy to join WaCu’s adult website. I have a personalized message from Warren on disc (probably in storage) where he mentioned this and thanked me for joining. I have the Brazilian porn mag he was in as well.”

Now I posed the question about a dark underbelly of the community and to be honest, most said no or had come back with silly school girl cat fighting at the age of 40 over mates they’ll never have that are 60. Lol…. So much for some good dirt huh?


Chris Krummenacher- “It means never being at a loss for great music. It means being part of a fandom for a group that define perseverance. It means preaching the gospel of John, Roger, Andy, Nick, and Simon (along with Warren) to those that don’t get it yet (but will). ”

Molly Miskelly- “Being a Duranie is almost as much as my identity as being a Detroiter. It has been a constant in my life for almost 40 years. I ran into a person I went to elementary school with and he didn’t remember me. I said two or three things to try to jog his memory but nothing. Finally, I said “I’m the girl who was the Duran superfan”. That’s all I needed to say. Or people will message me and tell me they heard a Duran song and they thought of me. Its nice to be thought of so often and touches me for some reason.”

Chrissie Anderson Peters- “At this point in life, it’s far more about the music than it is about the band itself. It’s about the phenomenal friendships that I have made with people all around the world. It’s about the fun and the salvation that I find in the songs. “Ordinary World,” for example, has saved my life time and time and time again. On a night when my grandfather, who had Alzheimers and dementia, had no idea who I was, i sang that song to him and asked if he remembered Duran Duran, and he did; he started talking to me about the band and THEN remembered who I was. It was the greatest gift… Those are the kinds of things that being a Duranie mean to me now that i have been 29 years old for 20 years, lol!”

Brian Castro- “It means being free to be myself without question. When being metrosexual was a thing, I was years ahead of that thanks to Duran Duran! Being a Duranie means being surrounded by like minded people, where “the music’s between us” is our common thread. I’ve met many a Duranie and been friends for a few decades. With all my life experiences (or lack thereof), Duran Duran have been my one constant. They are the soundtrack of my life. There was an advert during the Wedding Album era that read, “Styles change. Style doesn’t.” I admire the fact that DD aren’t an eighties band. They’ve been relevant for four decades! I also love that fact that even if their albums aren’t big hits, the true fans stay loyal.”

Now myself, I’m definitely a fan, and I have been since I was about 7 years old. I can never be too sure if I fall under the category of true Duranie. I have my fair share of DD vinyl and rare imports or pressings. I own about 13 different t-shirts from different eras. Duran Duran Christmas cards. The simple lyric lines I have tattooed on the outside of each arm which read “Who do you need? “Who do you love?” My ever so comfy zip up hoodie that I don as I type this that I picked up when I decided to hop a plane last minute, in July of 19′ to catch the band at Kennedy Space Center for the 50th anniversary for the Apollo 11 moon mission. Little trinkets and things I’ve saved from days gone by locked away in a storage unit. But there are 2 things that are the most important and are definitely things I would not have had without being a fan of the band.

Duranies tend to meet and make friends with one another and form bonds, some of which last lifetimes simply because one found out the other was a fan. That’s exactly what happened to me, about
27 years ago.

I happened to meet a boy who caught my attention because he said he liked Duran Duran… but he sealed the deal when he told me he was also a Smiths fan.

Young love fades and so do years, however we did end up reconnecting later in life. Sadly, life tends never to give you want you want when you want it, especially when you’re me. However some of my favorite memories include him. We never spoke after that and recently I received a message via a Duran Duran shout out from him. One which was quite surprising, confusing and little heart breaking. And although I’m not exactly sure what it was to have meant and more than likely will never know, I have it and I always will. So there it is. Without my love of Duran Duran, I would not have known the greatest love of my life nor the cryptic message years after a galvanic downfall of a relationship. You think I should send the guys like a thank you card and some chocolates or something or nah? Nah…. it’s probably nah, huh?

So while every Duranie has their own story or fond memories and some have maybe even met and formed bonds. One thing is for certain within the community. There is one name they all know outside of the gents in the band. That name is Andrew “Durandy” Golub, and the version of his story I’m about to share has never been told quite in this light before.

Now for those of you playing along with us at home, who know little to naught about Andy, strap in. I’m about to lay down some knowledge.

Andy has been a connoisseur of all things Duran since the ripe age of 12 when he discovered “The Reflex” while sitting in the car, of the parking lot of a Tower Records. Not exactly the coming of age story one is used to hearing about the discovering of anything while ‘goin parkin’, huh? From that moment on, Andy was nothing short of compelled to discover everything and anything Duran Duran. However what he did not and could not have ever known at the time was that, his obsessive fascination would clearly not be his imagination and it would eventually become something far more greater than anyone could have imagined.


Life for any teenage boy is never exactly easy. Especially when its 1980 – something, you’ve just moved and on top of regular teenage boy weirdness, you’re also fighting your own personal demons of just wanting to feel accepted, some depression, social awkwardness, a little goofy and geeky oh and you now have what some may consider an odd obsession with a band of dudes from the UK who wear tight leather pants and make up. But it doesn’t just stop there. You want to be everything the band is. I mean, we’ve all been there…(hello ummm Madonna?? Mmmhmmm. Ok then.) So with that comes wearing the lip gloss like Simon, and the eyeliner like Nick but wait… you’re the white bread, Jewish kid from the suburbs. The ones who’s mother most definitely will not have you chanting the haftarah and reading from the Torah at your bar mitzvah with freaking make up on your face! Oy vey! Could you even imagine?! Mazel tov bitches!! Yeah, me either.

I’d like to tell you that it ends there but in fact it doesn’t. Andy went on to be ridiculed and bullied at school about probably being gay, because of course in the 80s, you couldn’t do certain things and dress a certain way without being gay, right? Wait… or is that now?
At home it wasn’t much better. Family and friends often questioned him about his “enthusiasm” for the band and how much money he was spending. His mother didn’t approve of all the carefully and meticulously cut and placed clippings from every magazine he could find Duran related all over the walls and ceiling of his room either. And as time moves on, Andy even finds himself being bullied by fans of the same damn band they all love. Oh, all the while constantly being asked or told to just tap it down some or water himself down because, AREN’T YOU AFRAID PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT YOU DIFFERENT?? Which we all know translates to, please pretend to be something more “normal” so I’M not looked at differently. So to say that Andy’s early life journeys haven’t been easy or sunshine and fucking rainbows, is highly accurate. Add in him trying to self medicate thru the musical therapies of Duran Duran and it would seem the backlash just became worse. There was an overriding parental concern for the degree of Andy’s “obsession” being unhealthy. So much so in fact that he came to a point where he was ready to pack it all up because he felt that his “interests just weren’t valid.” It’s also more of the unknown part of the story then he’d care to admit. Luckily for himself and other fellow Duranies, Andy decided to reach up for the sunrise instead.


We fast forward a decade. By this time Andy had been working as law clerk and still very much acquiring more Duran Duran memorabilia. He had managed to make friends with local radio stations Star 101.5 in Seattle and also Mark ‘n’ Brian on KLOS in LA. Andy was often acquiring a lot of Duran promo items from record stores around Seattle as well. He still faces a little adversity when it comes to family and friends not understanding, but by this time he has found solace within a community of people that are just like him. They were the geeks, the squares, the awkward kids who never fit in, former cheerleaders turned housewives. They were Duranies and it was home. Then as fate would have it, one man would not only change the course of Andy’s life but he would also help give birth to an outlet that helped save it as well.


In 2001 Andy met Danny Steward, a curator who was working on the exhibition Andy was doing for the Art/Not Terminal Gallery called, “Duran Duran—A Retrospective” Steward was hanging all of Andy’s subway posters on canvas to be displayed properly. While doing so, Andy and Danny became friends and Danny taught him much about everything he now knows of the correct ways of archiving. Proper techniques, mylar sleeves, how paper absorbs everything around it and the ways in which it must be protected. Just everything. When speaking of Danny, there is both a quiet sadness and enormous amount of appreciation and gratitude that felt in the pauses of Andy’s voice as he speaks. “There are people that come into our lives that are game changers. He was one of them for me. He was a safe haven for me. He restored me.” “He gently prodded me to open doors.”


Andy went on to find those doors. While the internet was growing and buzzing with chat rooms, message boards and blogs, Andy continued to find more and more fellow Duranies. He also continued to not only grow his collection into what it would become today, which is a 10 foot by 20 foot storage unit meticulously filled, organized in chronological order, by band members and by country of origin to which fans could come and visit and bask in the glory of all things of their favorite band mate. He also managed to be lucky enough to evolve with the ever so changing internet and find his way onto a little thing called Facebook that would help him reach the Duranie community in ways he could have never before and helped transform his purpose into something far greater than he could have ever imagined. It also gave way to key pieces of curating that Andy never knew he would need yet, without even realizing would become.


In 2013 Andy released his first book, “Beautiful Colors : The Posters Of Duran Duran”. It looks at Duran Duran’s career and evolution of the band from 1978 thru present day through posters, some of which being rare and vintage promotional pieces from Andy’s collection as well as posters never put into production. Nick Rhodes (founding member of band) even provided the forward for the book that took Andy almost 6 years to complete!

3 years later Andy released, “Music Between Us: Concert Ads Of Duran Duran”, This book takes a look at Duran Duran’s influences on audiences around the world as seen through the eyes of fans, concert memories, rare hand bills, flyers and advertisements also from Andy’s collection. Both these books not unlike the items and upkeep of the archive have all been and are done out of pocket for Andy. Yes, you read that right. The dude does this all with his own money. Outside of the little revenue he gets out of book sales. He’s like the Mother Teresa of fandom people. I don’t what to tell you.


Music is a powerful thing. It can make us both happy and sad. Music is therapy. It’s the one thing in life that will never leave us when everyone else has. Music has never failed us. It has never told us we’re not enough. It’s never lied to us. Hurt us. Betrayed us or made us feel unwanted. So it only makes sense that music is something that can bring people together by the masses. That a band’s music can change a person’s life in ways they would never know. In ways they would never even be able to have an opportunity to tell them it did. That is what makes what Andy has created, not only with his archive but with his online community so special. No other band has it’s own special curator such as this. Not just of band memorabilia but for Duran Duran’s fans and their personal stories of love and appreciation. To be honest, from an outsiders stand point, I myself wondered while working on this piece if the band has seen it in that light. The band themselves could of course never know the stories behind how and why fans become fans or of times in their lives in which perhaps Duran’s music may have saved their lives. It’s impossible. However through what Andy is doing, it becomes possible and they quite possibly are the only band that has access to that whenever they would want it. And it’s all done out of nothing more but the love of the band.

“Everyone has a background, a story, a history. I love giving that a voice. To encourage people to explore their own history and tell their own story. It’s not necessarily full of wine, roses and sunshine. There’s some dark, dark stuff. What they have risen above. That’s how musical artists create loyal following. Not just for love of music, its what the music has done for people.” Andy has managed to do well in finding ways to tell these stories for fans. Especially during the recent Covid shutdown through something he has coined, ‘Duranie Distractions’. These are time slots where he shares things out of the archives with his friends and fans on his Facebook page and also special days. One was Secret Sep-tender where you gave a shout out to a fellow Duranie to whom you wanted to thank, love or admired. Then there was Simon’s birthday, where he asked fans to write in and describe how Simon and the music had impacted your life. Let me tell you folks, that was one of the most emotional lives I had watched in awhile.


Through the years Andy has had the opportunity to meet the band. They are well aware of him and what he does and he says “I feel very fortunate to have the band behind me. I’m not close to the inner circle but definitely have come farther than most fans get. I’ve gotten a little sense on how things work. I feel very special to have the band feel safe with me.”
Although there has never been an official nod to Andy and he himself has never asked nor expected, there has been a push from Andy’s own fans for the band to recognize him as their official archivist. Something that from an observers standpoint, doesn’t seem that important to Andy himself. “I just love doing something no one else is doing, just like Duran Duran always has.”
“Being a Duranie means belonging to something. Something meaningful. Something bigger. Fitting in with people who understand me and make it ok to be who I am. Feeling full power and full passion for this band. No apologies. No explanations. No filters. They have influenced everything I do. To not accept that, is to not live. Being a Duranie has allowed me to live.” There is a lot to be said in that statement. Perhaps that’s all the payment one needs?


In 2015 Andy had an exhibit that coincided with Duran Duran show at The Washington State Fair. Andy of course was at the show and he told me an interesting story about it.
For those who don’t know, when the band does “The Reflex” Simon has a habit of going to the edge of the stage with the microphone to the crowd for help with the ” “ta na na na-s” (just go Google the song if you’re clueless ok?) At any rate, Simon starts making his way round and he stops at Andy, Andy sings. Simon then stops, addresses the crowd and says “This is Durandy. He makes great books but he can’t sing to save his life.” Andy lovingly describes this as the pinnacle of the best possible kind of humiliation one could ever get (AKA a good ole’ fashioned razzing between 2 friends.) and says “If I’m going to be made fun of, at least its by Simon fucking Le Bon!”


There is a lot to be said about someone who has made it his life’s work to preserve the storyline of a band. There’s even more to be said about someone who also takes on the role of procuring and preserving the stories of others.
You see it was obvious to me from speaking with Andy that he wasn’t even aware of what he was actually doing until I made mention of it. He is a very humble and kind human being whom has absolutely no idea how to say no. He also has no idea that he is also allowed to be proud in what he has built without having to think it’s being arrogant. He should be proud. He has every right to be.
People have come before Andy and entrusted their stories of heartbreak, pain, grief, and loss. Andy has taken every one of those stories and ever so gently given it love, attention and acknowledgement. Then he takes his time. Carefully folding and intricately tucking away the thoughts and words back into their pages. Slipping them away into protective sleeves and gingerly and thoughtfully placing them on shelves to be remembered or read again by someone else. Just as he does with his archive. The only difference is, their stories are locked away in the pages of his mind and stored on the shelves of hard drives instead. However they still very much exist.
Andy doesn’t just archive memorabilia of a band, he archives humans and their stories. Its his therapy. Because for a long time, his was a story that could not be told. He gives the stories their voices because for years his voice was never heard.
“There is nothing more powerful then realizing you’re not alone in something.” When Andy received those stories, he realized he was no longer alone.

His mentor Danny once told him that people were going to want to know about him and that Andy could separate himself from the archive to do that. I think its safe to say he was right. People do want to know. I was lucky enough to hear a side of his story that not many have. Despite the fact that I had to constantly argue with him about being proud of himself! I swear, he’s unofficially, officially my kid brother now despite the fact that I’m probably younger than he but, I wouldn’t have it any other way. In my eyes, Andy’s a real mensch. You see Andy was given a gift from a great friend and man long ago. One that he would never have dreamed found him where he is today. His friend Danny didn’t just teach him how to be and archivist. He saved Andy’s life by giving him a purpose and by validating Andy’s passion. Unbeknownst to Andy, he’s been saving the lives of others himself. Just by sharing with the Duranie world what he has built and allowing their voices and stories to be heard.
And while the road to where he’s landed now hasn’t been glamorous and people still think he’s insane or weird for what he does and may still poke fun. At the end of the day, can any of those assholes say that they are cool enough to have been made fun of by SIMON FUCKING LE BON?

This weeks new music recommendation is a 2 for 1. I feel as if I owe you an extra since Ive been MIA.

First up, Soccer Mommy. She’s a 23 year old Indie artist born in Switzerland and raised in Nashville. How’s that for some interesting background? She started her career as she was leaving for college with home recordings she made for her bandcamp campaign. By 2017 she dropped out and was back in Nashville. It was by sheer happenstance that I first stumbled upon her there at a dive bar and I was hooked. She’s toured with Liz Phair, Phoebe Bridgers (both of which I was able to catch) Slowdive, Wilco, Vampire Weekend, Paramore, Foster The People and even played at one of Bernie Sanders’ presidential rallies. That’s not a bad resume to have for being on scene for 3 years.
She built an audience through introspective bedroom recordings released via Bandcamp but make no mistake, she’s grown into one of indie-rock’s most relatable heartbreak kids, distinguishing herself with her sharp lyrical eye – especially when she’s singing about loneliness and letdowns. Her latest album is titled “Color Theory” and was released back in February. She recently released an EP under the same title of select demos as well.

Next up on the list is KennyHoopla. Kenny is a Cleveland, Ohio born and raised former SoundCloud rapper who currently resides in Wisconsin of all places lol. I got turned onto Kenny by another SoundCloud rapper and personal friend of mine who knows Kenny in 2017. I was shook. Kenny has a style that you cannot put into any one genre and he is absolute in making sure he remains unique. Its emo, meets Indie, meets rap and it intertwines with rock to knock you on you ass and not even bother to ask if you’re ok. Kenny himself describes his sound as “new wave nostalgia.” Whatever you choose to call it, trust that its electrifying and banger-filled that feels like a direct descendent of Bloc Party’s ‘Silent Alarm’.

Last year in NYC I was with a friend walking thru the Chelsea area and happened to see a marquee for a show happening that night with his name and lost my shit convincing her we had to see him. He was doing a show as a supporting act for Dirty Hit lable artist, Beabadoobee. (She’s also worth looking up and checking out. I’ve been digging her ever since.) Kenny brings this little kid like, ball of energy to the stage that is just a sight for a hungry music lover tired of the unappreciated artist. But dont expect to see a band, he sings his Indie smashers and bedroom pop songs from a set of tape decks being played from above.
Kenny’s debut EP from earlier this year titled ” How Can I Rest In Peace If I’m Buried By The Highway?” is 6 tracks of meticulous work over the span of 3 years that delivers a dope mix of sounds and styles. He’s also another artist that in a very short time of being on scene has worked with his share of hot new talent such as Nothing, Nowhere, Judge, The Neighborhood’s Jesse Rutherford and Grandson. Anyone of his tracks are most definitely worthy of an add on any playlist.

What’s in store for next time here on the dial? Oh I have something very special in the works. Not only will we be revealing something new for our followers and my faithful readers but I’ll also be teaming up the gang at Recordholics Anonymous for a 2 part series that will involve you as well. So be prepared my freaky darlings. We are going to be talking about the long lost art of the mixtape and I’m coming for your all time best and favorite mixtapes/ playlists. So put those thinking caps on and keep them to a limit of 15 songs and under. Yes, that’s right… I’m talking to Josh Cole. Lol As always more will be revealed when you stop back in! Until next time puppets!

Jenna Lynn
Jenna LynnColumnist. Writer. Siren
I am a lover of all things cool. Music is one of those said cool things. My mother always said I came out of her with a damn radio in my hand which is both telling and frightening at the same time. HA! I’m an undercover nerd. I like comic books. Comic book movies, vinyl, horror, and catching as many local shows as well as big artist shows as possible. I love to read and learn new things. I love culture. I know a little about a lot. I’m a jack of all trades, master of nothing. 

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