It’s storytime and who better to lead the way than our very own Certified Recordholic and Siren – Jenna Lynn! We caught Jenna dockside and asked her a few questions about her upcoming column: Tales from the Backroom.

Tales from the Backroom

“Every record store has that one backroom… that one corner or nook where one stumbles upon stacks of the forgotten and unknown. Where lost liner notes dance amongst obscure gems with torn jackets. Obscure gems…the ones you now realize weren’t a figment of your imagination, they were just…left of the dial.”


RA: We suspect that you have a legion of faithful fans out there that are just clamoring to know more about you. Can you tell us a little bit about who you are and where you come from?

JL: Legions of faithful fans? Yes, I’ve got 10s of 15s of fans I’d rather not piss off. Mostly my friends so yeah, basically they are a legion. Legion of Doom to be exact. Lol.

I come from the land of the ice and snow. Where football is king and we celebrate legends for a week out of every year. Northeast Ohio, Canton to be exact. I also spend a lot of time in southwest Florida when there isn’t a pandemic going round as well lol. As for who I am? Jesus christ do we have time for that? I mean, do I answer with my dating profile SWF seeks SWM for light BDSM, must love dog, concerts, and traveling to said concerts. Lol Seriously though, I am a lover of all things cool. Music is one of those said cool things. My mother always said I came out of her with a damn radio in my hand which is both telling and frightening at the same time. HA! I’m an undercover nerd. I like comic books. Comic book movies, vinyl, horror, and catching as many local shows as well as big artist shows as possible. I love to read and learn new things. I love culture. I know a little about a lot. I’m a jack of all trades, master of nothing.
RA: We love the introduction to your new column Tales from the Backroom “Every record store has that one backroom… that one corner or nook where one stumbles upon stacks of the forgotten and unknown. Where lost liner notes dance amongst obscure gems with torn jackets. Obscure gems…the ones you now realize weren’t a figment of your imagination, they were just…left of the dial.” – We’re curious what left of the dial means? Inquiring minds want to know…

JL: Well first and foremost, it’s an homage to one of my favorite groups The Replacements. It’s a song off of one of The ‘Mats albums “Tim”. Don’t know who The ‘Mats are? Have no fear. We will most definitely be covering them and the musical fucking genius of Paul Westerberg.

Secondly its reference to the position of the radio dial of which non-commercial radio stations are usually found. I grew up in the era of college radio and these stations were the only stations playing the music I was really loving at the time. They were typically reliable sources for independent, unsigned, and what most would refer to as “underground” artists.  That’s what you’ll find here with me. New artists, old artists. Different eras and genres. The only thing for certain is that it will somehow, someway pertain to music. Lol
RA: We recognize you as having a very distinctive voice in your writing style. You’re not afraid to use explicit language and we even noticed some random lingo that others may not be familiar with. Can you give your readers a quick rundown on what they can expect from you, your style and your voice?

JL: Moi? Explicit? Dafuq you mean I’m explicit?! The distinctive voice you are detecting in my writing is that of my own. While my writing style may paint more of a Picasso like picture rather than a Van Gogh, I make up for it with all this personality and charm that shines thru like a beacon in the night. Granted, you may also find yourself crashing into the shoreline after reading my works but I’m a siren damnit! It’s what we do! Which leads me to my next point, expect humor and wit.

If a Good Housekeeping’s article on Kenny G is your idea of a great read than I am certainly not for you. Not that there is anything wrong with either, it’s just not me. We aren’t chicken soup for the soul here. We are more chicken-flavored ramen noodles for the ghetto lol. I’m forward, blunt, and to the point. I’m also brutally honest. My best and worst quality has always been this mouth… mmmkay? Lol music in itself has always in some way shape or form been deemed “explicit”. From juke joints, the swinging rock n roll sounds, hidden messages in records being played backward, 80s rap and beyond. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that someone writing about music be not afraid to drop a few F-bombs and shit. Lol

As for my lingo. Yeah, it’s catchy to say the least right? You think we should make like a key or legend to use as a pinned post like they have for maps? Lol If readers are ever in doubt, they can always reach out. I will be happy to clear up any miscommunication.
RA: What makes you passionate about music and why do you love writing about it?

JL: What makes me passionate about music and writing about it. Well, to be honest, I didn’t start off as a writer/reporter of music at all. I was merely just always a fan. I started my journalistic journey while in high school. I was involved in a program through my journalism class that allowed me to write for my local newspaper.  I mostly did stories of human interest and sports. I was the editor and writer for the Opinion Editorial page for my high school newspaper as well. I’ve always had a knack for telling a good story and I’ve always loved to write. It wasn’t until recently that it turned to music.

Music in itself has just always been there for me and I think a lot of us can say that. I spent a lot of my young childhood in my room just listening to music. It was a way to drown out the sounds of a failing marriage being played out from rooms below. It was an escape into a different life. One of which where maybe I could actually be something that someone wanted. As I grew older, it became a way to attach memories to people. Like hearing a certain song just takes you back to a good place or reminds you of an old love. Even 2 years after you’ve broken up. ( Oh there’s a completely different story right there lol) Like I have this favorite record store called Magnolia Thunderpussy. If I have ever taken you there, I love you. I mean I really fucking loved you because everything music that I hold near and dear to me, I have shared with some of the most amazing people in my life. From songs and artists to special record shops. Music is and always has been a way for people to connect.  From all walks of life. No matter their station.
RA: Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

JL: As for what I’d like to add. Hmmm well, I guess just this. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s ok. You’re not going to like or love everything I may write about. That’s ok too. What I do ask is this. Keep an open mind in every aspect of life and you might just find that despite hating me, you may at the very least respect the work. I’m always open to feedback. Questions, comments concerns, and puzzlements. Also, do you validate? I’m double-parked.

Jenna Lynn
Jenna LynnColumnist. Writer. Siren
I am a lover of all things cool. Music is one of those said cool things. My mother always said I came out of her with a damn radio in my hand which is both telling and frightening at the same time. HA! I’m an undercover nerd. I like comic books. Comic book movies, vinyl, horror, and catching as many local shows as well as big artist shows as possible. I love to read and learn new things. I love culture. I know a little about a lot. I’m a jack of all trades, master of nothing. 

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